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We’ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions and answers for your convenience. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, please get in touch and we’ll respond to your inquiry as quickly as possible.


Student’s dress, grooming and appearance should be the responsibility of the individual and parents
using the following guidelines:
Dress and grooming should be clean and in keeping with the health and sanitary standards. 
Shoes are to be worn at all times. 
Shorts may be worn as long as they are not too revealing either at the waistline or the hem.
Clothing with vulgar words, negativity or disruptive symbols are not to be worn. This includes any advertisements or
picture of anything illegal for a minor, such as: beer or intoxicating beverages. Also, shirts that have a degrading
message about the student such as: Brat or Child for Sale, are not to be worn.
Shirts should cover the midriff and reach the waist band of pants/shorts. The neckline should cover cleavage.
Jeans or pants should not sag below the waistline.
It is the responsibility of the Director to regulate the dress code.


Bus Rider Procedure:
If your student is a bus rider please have them ready and at their designated stop a few minutes early. 
The bus driver is authorized to wait no more than 2 minutes if the bus driver is on time.  If the student
is not at the stop and on the bus within the 2 minutes the bus driver must go on to the next bus stop.  Also,
please be at the stop ready to receive your student from the bus a few minutes early.  The bus driver should
only use his cell phone in emergency situations and not to alert the parent that they are at the bus stop.  The Bus
driver is not allowed to exit the bus.  If your child requires seat belt assistance or to be carried on and off the bus you
must assist them.  The Bus driver is not allowed to exit the bus at anytime. If your child is not riding the bus at anytime please alert the
school and the bus driver.
If your child will be met at the bus stop by someone other than the parent /guardian tell the bus driver and notify the
office.   The person meeting the bus will be asked to present a picture I.D. the first time.
Car Rider Procedures
Please park to come in and pick up your child. Do not block the bus lane. Please do not go around buses at any time.  If someone besides the listed parent/ guardian are picking up the child please call the school and please let the person picking up the child know we will ask for a picture ID


How do I know if my child is sick?  Should I send him/her to school?

One of the problems most often confronting parents of school age children occurs when a child complains of not feeling well on a school day.  A decision must be made as to whether the child stays home or goes to school. What do you do?  How do you make the right decision?  You don’t want to keep them home if he really isn’t sick, but you also don’t want to send a sick child to school.

            The information herein is not intended as medical advice but is merely designed to provide guidelines to be followed until your doctor can be contacted for his opinion.  This should be done without delay.


  • A fever is a warning that all is not right with the body.

  • The best way to check for fever is with a thermometer, which every home should have.  No child with a fever of 100 degrees or over should be sent to school. 

  • When no thermometer is available, check the child’s forehead with the back of your hand.  If it is hot keep the child home until fever can be checked with a thermometer.

  • Do not allow the child to return to school until he has been free  (without medication) of fever for 24 hours.

Cold/Sore Throat/Cough

  • The common cold presents the most frequent problem to parents.

  • A child with a “heavy” cold and a hacking cough belongs at home in bed, even though he has no fever.

  • If you child complains of a sore throat and has no other symptoms, he/she may go to school.  If white spots can be seen in the back of the throat or if a fever is present, keep him/her home and call your doctor.


  • A rash may be the first sign of one of childhood’s many illnesses, such as measles or chicken pox.

  • A rash or “spots” may cover the entire body or may appear in only one area.

  • Do not send a child with a rash to school until your doctor has said it is safe to do so.


  • Consult your doctor if you child has a stomachache which is persistent or severe enough to limit his activity.

  • If vomiting occurs, keep your child home until he can keep his food down.

  • A child with diarrhea should be kept at home.

  • Call your doctor if prompt improvement does not occur.

  • We will call you to pick up your child after the second incident of diarrhea.


  • Toothache – consult your dentist.

  • Earache – consult your doctor without delay.

  • Headache – A child whose only complaint is headache usually does not need to be kept at home.

Children are known to have been kept home from school for reasons other than illness.  Unnecessary absences from school may have a bad effect of a student’s attitude, work habits and progress.  Use your own good common sense and remember: Sick children belong at home.  Well children belong at school. If your child is simply tired or sleepy please send them to school.

Our policy at Sunshine School has always been that a child must be free of fever for 24 hours before returning to school.  


Sunshine School Anti-Bullying Policy

Students are prohibited from participating in any conduct that constitutes any form of bullying:

  • While in school, on school equipment or property, in school vehicles, on school buses, at designated school bus stops, at school-sponsored activities, and at school sanctioned events.

  • By an electronic act.

Bullying means the intentional harassment, intimidation, humiliation, ridicule, defamation, or threat or incitement of violence by a student against another student or school employee by a written, verbal, electronic, or physical act that causes or creates a clear and present danger of:

  • Physical harm to a school employee or student or damage to the school employee’s or student’s property.

It is the responsibility of the Director to regulate the Anti-bullying policy.


Inclement Weather Procedures

When we have bad weather and school might be closed, please do not call me.  I will need to keep my phone line open in order to receive weather information from out in the county.  If school is closed, the announcement will be made on the following stations:

TV Channels:             4, 7, and 11

Radio Stations:          KWCK – 99.9

                                    KAWW – 100.7

                                    KSMD – 99.1

Remind Me App       Ask Sally for an invite


If we are not listed on TV or announced on the Radio or on Facebook please assume we are open.

If Searcy Public Schools are closed, then Sunshine School will be closed also.  If it snows during the day, and the buses run early, this will be announced on the radio.  We will also make every effort to contact each parent.

Alternate bus route indicates that the bus that normally goes to Bradford will only go to Bald Knob the pick-up will be at the old fur place.

If we are open but one or more of our buses is not running we will call you.


 When a student is identified as being suspect for head lice infestation, staff will check the student’s head.

 If lice or ANY NITS are found, the student’s parent will be called to pick up the child.  Parents are encouraged to check all individuals living in the home and treat (if necessary).  If possible, the parent is provided with instructions on how to eliminate the lice.

The student will be allowed to return to school after he/she has been appropriately treated and ALL NITS HAVE BEEN REMOVED FROM THE HAIR.  When students return to school, they must have a note signed by a parent stating what treatment has been done.

 When head lice are found on a student, all the students in that classroom will be checked when feasible.  A brochure will be given to each student in that classroom to be taken home to parents.

 A record will be kept of students infected and the date.


August 8, 9, 10                        Camp: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

August 14                                Students in building / Beginning of First Semester

September 4                            No School – Labor Day

October 17                              Early Release Day 1:30 (Teacher Training)

October 19                              Early Release Day 1:30 (Teacher Training)

October 24   Halloween Carnival

November 20-24                     No School – Thanksgiving Break

Dec. 25 – Jan. 5                      Christmas Break

January 8                                 Students return to school / Beginning of Second Semester

*January 15                             Martin Luther King Day or make-up day

February 13                             Early Release Day 1:30 (Teacher Training)

February 15                             Early Release Day 1:30 (Teacher Training)

February 16                             No school for students Teacher Training

*February 19                           President’s day or make-up day

March 18-22                           Spring Break

*March 29                              Good Friday or make-up day

April 8                                   No school

May 24                                    Last day of school

*There are make-up days designated in this calendar.  If they are not used for bad weather or some other emergency they are holidays.

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